Is God’s Foreknowledge only an attribute or is it also an action? Thomas Aquinas, Millard J. Erickson, Louis Berkhof, and Wayne Grudem all acknowledge Foreknowledge as a noun is an aspect of the broader aspect of God’s omniscience. […]
Last week, I interrupted my series on Horrible Hermeneutics, opting instead on releasing a video dealing with some horrible Christology regarding Christ’s blood. The response to that video was shocking. While many, if not most, commenters were supportive […]
Where are the IFB when it comes to calling out one of their own? Let’s talk about one who needs to be marked and avoided. But it isn’t John MacArthur. Some fundamentalists have decided to accuse John MacArthur […]
Easter brings about some odd arguments among Christians. Some Christians claim that Easter is pagan and should not be celebrated. Easter is used to describe the Biblical events regarding the death and resurrection of Christ as early as […]
Jack McElroy has made yet another disingenuous accusation about a modern English version. This time involving Matthew 27:16. Let’s look at that verse in the NIV and also in the KJV: Matthew 27:16 (NIV)16 At that time they had […]
If you told me 10 years ago that I would be defending the NIV and modern English versions from attacks from King James Version Onlyists, I may have wanted to fight. But, here we are. I was asked […]
According to Jack McElroy and his book, “Which Bible Would Jesus Use?”, the NIV scrubs Jesus’ omnipresence. His supposed evidence is John 3:13. Let’s look at this verse in the KJV and also in the NIV. John 3:13 […]
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV)9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. If we look at […]
Let’s Talk about “Baal Gate” and the notion of “Non-Elect Infants”. And I want to warn you. This entire video needs a gigantic trigger warning. You almost need to sign a waiver before you watch it. This is […]
I want to teach you how to properly defend the KJV and teach you what arguments should NEVER EVER EVER be used. There are three areas where those who use the KJV may choose to defend it: 1. […]