Can you only learn Bible doctrine from a King James Bible? Roy Bell says so. Today, I want to look at another Roy Bell video. I have addressed him on a couple occasions. Some of you have asked […]
Let’s start with this premise, “…the Holy Spirit is not merely a “force” or “power,” but is, in fact, a person.” That phrase is common, but for the record, I took it from a great book called, “The […]
A commenter on my YouTube Channel asked me this question in response to my last video where I addressed the Alexandrian versus Antioch schools and the related manuscript traditions. He asked, “How do we know that Jesus said […]
Many KJVO will tell you to consider the source. Have you ever heard this argument? Modern Bibles are based on manuscripts originating from Alexandria Egypt and are therefore bad while manuscripts originating from Antioch, Syria are good. This […]
It isn’t easy being a pastor’s kid and growing up in the ministry. In this video, I interview my own son and daughter and we get very plain about the good, bad, and the ugly of dealing with […]
Is man free or is man determined? This debate has raged for millennia. It is an existential question that does not begin with Calvin or Augustine. It was discussed by Pre-Socratic Greek philosophers like Leucippus, Democritus, and Heraclitus […]
Last week, I interrupted my series on Horrible Hermeneutics, opting instead on releasing a video dealing with some horrible Christology regarding Christ’s blood. The response to that video was shocking. While many, if not most, commenters were supportive […]
Where are the IFB when it comes to calling out one of their own? Let’s talk about one who needs to be marked and avoided. But it isn’t John MacArthur. Some fundamentalists have decided to accuse John MacArthur […]
Today, I do want to talk about Bible Numerics or Numerology as I continue my series on horrible hermeneutics. Unfortunately, it is all too common to hear this so-called hermeneutical principle brought up among fundamentalists and especially King […]
In my last video, I began a series called Horrible Hermeneutics. After introducing the series, I addressed the Law or Principle of First Mention. In this video, I want to strengthen my argument by responding to some of […]