Note: although I did not mention the person by name or give attribution to his tweet, a brother whose tweet I shared has denied any affiliation with the overlapping “circles”. Here is the tweeted correction: “Based on our […]
Several years ago, I had a man at church tell me that Christmas trees were pagan idols and were expressly forbidden in the Bible. He used Jeremiah 10:2-4 to prove his point. How brilliant is it that God […]
This video exposes and addresses the bad IFB preaching and horrible theology of popular Independent Fundamentalist Baptists like Robert Breaker, Tony Hutson, Jack Hyles. You don’t want to miss a second of this video. You might want to […]
In The Trinity Delusion’s video, “Trinity: James White Caught with his own Contradiction” (, the accusation is made that Dr. James White contradicted statements in his book, “The Forgotten Trinity” in a video on his old YouTube channel […]
Two videos on Revelation 1:8 and the one thing that keeps coming up is Tertullian. One quote, in particular, keeps being brought up as evidence to support Erasmus’ omission of “God” from Revelation 1:8. This is an error […]
Responding to questions about Minuscule 2050. Several people have asked me about Minuscule 2050. It is a 12th Century manuscript that does, in fact, omit “ὁ θεός” at Revelation 1:8. However, we must be very careful here. It […]
“Modern Versions Leave out the Most Crucial word denoting “Jesus Thou” Son of God. The Verse in the Modern Versions doesn’t sound Right. Like it’s Missing the Fullness of its Rendering. Like the Devil’s don’t want to make […]
Someone sent me this graphic and asked that I comment on it. As you can see, there is a variant at the beginning of John 9:4. TR-based English versions usually prefer “I” where modern English versions that follow […]
This weekend, I learned that the pastor at a Southern Baptist Church near my house embraces Word of Faith Movement teachers. I was blown away. I was invited to a private Facebook group ran by this pastor. This […]