Do modern versions corrupt the scripture by not using “study” in 2 TImothy 2:15? Here are the cold hard facts without commentary. Let the reader decide. Version Comparisons 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV Study to shew thyself approved unto […]
Church Discipline is rare in many churches. Disciplining elders, pastors, and bishops is even rarer. But, it is absolutely necessary. WAYS TO DONATE: https://jonathanburris.comPODCAST:
I am part of a Facebook Group that discusses Textual Criticism, particularly that of the New Testament. There was a little bit of a dust-up yesterday when… I had better not say King James Onlyist, but I really […]
Note: although I did not mention the person by name or give attribution to his tweet, a brother whose tweet I shared has denied any affiliation with the overlapping “circles”. Here is the tweeted correction: “Based on our […]
Several years ago, I had a man at church tell me that Christmas trees were pagan idols and were expressly forbidden in the Bible. He used Jeremiah 10:2-4 to prove his point. How brilliant is it that God […]
This video exposes and addresses the bad IFB preaching and horrible theology of popular Independent Fundamentalist Baptists like Robert Breaker, Tony Hutson, Jack Hyles. You don’t want to miss a second of this video. You might want to […]
In The Trinity Delusion’s video, “Trinity: James White Caught with his own Contradiction” (, the accusation is made that Dr. James White contradicted statements in his book, “The Forgotten Trinity” in a video on his old YouTube channel […]
Two videos on Revelation 1:8 and the one thing that keeps coming up is Tertullian. One quote, in particular, keeps being brought up as evidence to support Erasmus’ omission of “God” from Revelation 1:8. This is an error […]
Responding to questions about Minuscule 2050. Several people have asked me about Minuscule 2050. It is a 12th Century manuscript that does, in fact, omit “ὁ θεός” at Revelation 1:8. However, we must be very careful here. It […]
Responding to Dan McClellan, Does the Bible say the Bible is the inspired word of God?