Do Modern Versions Pervert the Bible by Changing “Study” in 2 Timothy 2:15? For the last 8 months, I have had person after person bring up 2 Timothy 2:15 as an example of how modern English versions have […]
Today, I want to respond to an article that was published on Catholic Answers yesterday called, “Turning the Tables on a Protestant Prooftext” by Emily Torres. A friend of mine who swam the Tiber and converted to Roman […]
I get multiple comments, emails, and private messages every single day telling me that all modern English versions are perversions and purposeful corruptions. And it simply isn’t factually accurate to make such a statement. But while not all […]


You have probably heard the term, but you may not be familiar with what it means. If you were raised in the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement or if you are familiar with the King James Only movement, then […]
Church Discipline is rare in many churches. Disciplining elders, pastors, and bishops is even rarer. But, it is absolutely necessary. WAYS TO DONATE: https://jonathanburris.comPODCAST:
Acts 8:37 is one of the favorite verses among King James Version Onlyists as an example of a modern English Version corruption or perversion. Why do King James Onlyists accuse the editors of modern versions of removing this […]
1 Timothy 3:16 is a common verse that KJVO like to use to attack modern English versions. The argument is not new, but this week, the KJVO rallied behind this graphic that says, “SEE THE BIG DIFFERENCE”. The […]
I am part of a Facebook Group that discusses Textual Criticism, particularly that of the New Testament. There was a little bit of a dust-up yesterday when… I had better not say King James Onlyist, but I really […]
Note: although I did not mention the person by name or give attribution to his tweet, a brother whose tweet I shared has denied any affiliation with the overlapping “circles”. Here is the tweeted correction: “Based on our […]
Several years ago, I had a man at church tell me that Christmas trees were pagan idols and were expressly forbidden in the Bible. He used Jeremiah 10:2-4 to prove his point. How brilliant is it that God […]