Easter brings about some odd arguments among Christians. Some Christians claim that Easter is pagan and should not be celebrated. Easter is used to describe the Biblical events regarding the death and resurrection of Christ as early as […]
Jack McElroy has made yet another disingenuous accusation about a modern English version. This time involving Matthew 27:16. Let’s look at that verse in the NIV and also in the KJV: Matthew 27:16 (NIV)16 At that time they had […]
According to Jack McElroy and his book, “Which Bible Would Jesus Use?”, the NIV scrubs Jesus’ omnipresence. His supposed evidence is John 3:13. Let’s look at this verse in the KJV and also in the NIV. John 3:13 […]
Do Modern Versions Pervert the Bible by Changing “Study” in 2 Timothy 2:15? For the last 8 months, I have had person after person bring up 2 Timothy 2:15 as an example of how modern English versions have […]
Do modern versions corrupt the scripture by not using “study” in 2 TImothy 2:15? Here are the cold hard facts without commentary. Let the reader decide. Version Comparisons 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV Study to shew thyself approved unto […]
I get multiple comments, emails, and private messages every single day telling me that all modern English versions are perversions and purposeful corruptions. And it simply isn’t factually accurate to make such a statement. But while not all […]


You have probably heard the term, but you may not be familiar with what it means. If you were raised in the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist movement or if you are familiar with the King James Only movement, then […]
We have a MAJOR problem. Many Dispensationalists (not all) simply cannot defend the consistency, coherency, and cohesiveness of the scripture. Almost daily, I get emails, private messages, and more about how I don’t understand the gospel because I […]
Acts 8:37 is one of the favorite verses among King James Version Onlyists as an example of a modern English Version corruption or perversion. Why do King James Onlyists accuse the editors of modern versions of removing this […]
1 Timothy 3:16 is a common verse that KJVO like to use to attack modern English versions. The argument is not new, but this week, the KJVO rallied behind this graphic that says, “SEE THE BIG DIFFERENCE”. The […]