Penal Substitutionary Atonement Defended As a Key to Understanding Calvinism and Limited Atonement – What is Calvinism Series In this third video in my series on Calvinism, I will discuss and defend the death of Christ as a […]
Today I want to cover the importance of understanding different atonement theories and especially Penal Substitutionary Atonement as a prerequisite for comprehending the Calvinist’s understanding of Limited Atonement. In the last video in my Calvinism series, I said […]
There are two issues that really seem to boil the blood of some believers today. They are both the proverbial third-rails of theological discussions. One is King James Version Onlyism. I am certainly no stranger to that debate. […]
As we continue discussing the many reasons why the crusades should not be glorified, I want to talk about the infighting, deceptions, plans within plans, and the real goals of the leaders of the First Crusade. If you […]
In the first two videos, we set the stage for the First Crusade. We discussed the false premises and exaggerations that it was predicated upon in the first video and we looked at the ulterior motives of both […]
Donatists are only mentioned four times in Carroll’s “Trail of Blood” and never with any specificity. Donatists do play a significant role in Carroll’s trail because they bridge the gap between the early Montanists and the Paulicians. To […]
In the first video, I addressed Pope Urban II’s stated reasons for calling for the First Crusade and then demonstrated that many of his reasons were either false, greatly exaggerated, or simply actions of the Mad Caliph who […]
There have been some heated conversations about how some in the Reformed Christian community have glorified the crusades and are advocating for modern crusades against what they believe are muslim invaders of Europe and to some extent, the […]
Over the past few weeks, I have published multiple videos on the Septuagint. My first video, “Is The Septuagint a 4th Century Forgery or Myth?” was my first public work on Old Testament textual analysis. Last week, I […]
A dear brother and friend asked me about the responses I have been getting to my video on the Septuagint. The crux of his question is this: “While they are forced to admit that there was a Greek […]