This month, I celebrate my 45th birthday. More importantly, this month marks 29 years since Christ did a marvelous work of salvation in my life and called me into the ministry. As I reflect on 29 years of […]
I did a thing today. Pray for me. A Passionate Plea to All Independent Baptists (IFB) CONTACT INFORMATION:WAYS TO DONATE: https://jonathanburris.comPODCAST:
In this video, we look at the destructive nature and negative impact of the trans movement on America. CONTACT INFORMATION:WAYS TO DONATE: https://jonathanburris.comPODCAST:
Mid-Acts Dispensationalism teaches that the early church was still Jewish and largely under a dispensation of works. They either move Jesus into the Dispensation of Law or they carve out a new dispensation specifically for the time of […]
Stanley argues that the modern church needs to “unhitch from the Old Testament,” and be stripped of “old covenant leftovers” that only “slow us down, divide us up, and confuse those standing from the outside peering in.” The […]
TRIGGER WARNING!!! The false deliverance gospel is absolutely appalling, and it has crept into formerly sound churches. This crowd blames everything on an evil spirit, demon, or devil. Christians who have the indwelling of the Holy Ghost are […]
Does John 20:23 teach that we can forgive sins? Some have interpreted this text to imply that believers have the authority to forgive sins based on our power and authority. But is that what the Bible teaches? Let’s […]


Nearly one-third of the congregations in the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church have voted to disaffiliate with the UMC effective December 31 of this year. Why are Churches Leaving the United Methodist Church (UMC)?


Leftist celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg and Al Sharpton are now using God to defend and support abortion. Does their position have merit or basis in truth? Listen to Pastor Jonathan Burris address the issue and identify the reason […]