Have you ever heard of the “את Cepher”? If not, then let me be the first to introduce you to what I consider a massive mess masquerading as a Bible — even though the publishers nonsensically don’t call it a Bible. I’ll tell you why a little later. Before we get started, I want to prepare you. This is going to be very much a polemic against the “את Cepher” and its publishers. I am not holding back on this one at all. What is the “את Cepher”? It is the work of Dr. Stephen Pidgeon. He is the founder, President, CEO, and dude with the most titles at Cepher Publishing Group, LLC. He is a political scientist with a Doctorate of Philosophy, and a Juris Doctorate, and according to the website, he says that he was a candidate for Attorney General in the State of Washington in 2012. According to Dr. Pidgeon, Dr. Pidgeon is distinguished in both Who’s Who and Who’s Who in Business and has received numerous business awards. He prides himself on being an accomplished musician, songwriter, vocalist, guitarist, and bassist and has produced two CDs featuring originally composed music for piano solo. How, you may ask, does this qualify him to translate and compile a list of works into what is for all intents and purposes, but isn’t called, a Bible? LINKS AND CONTACT INFORMATION: https://link.forthemaster.org/linktree


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