Let’s Talk about “Baal Gate” and the notion of “Non-Elect Infants”. And I want to warn you. This entire video needs a gigantic trigger warning. You almost need to sign a waiver before you watch it. This is such a sensitive issue and it would be insensitive of me to expect everyone to check their feelings at the door. So For weeks and weeks the argument has been raging online about what happens to babies when they die — especially in the womb. This is not a new subject, but it is one that has been raging on social media for the last while and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Until now, I have stayed out of this issue. Not because I am afraid of it, but because I hadn’t really seen a need to involve myself. But since it isn’t going away and it is only proving to drive a wedge between certain camps in the body of Christ, is is time, if not past time to address this issue. In a recent debate between James White and Leighton Flowers, this festering wound was picked at again and it doesn’t seem to be healing anytime soon. During the debate, Dr. Flowers asked Dr. White directly about the issue that they and each’s side had been debating online for weeks. This week, a person who aligns with Dr. Flowers’ Provisionist position asked a question and had a poll attached to it.

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