Let’s start with this premise, “…the Holy Spirit is not merely a “force” or “power,” but is, in fact, a person.” That phrase is common, but for the record, I took it from a great book called, “The Forgotten Trinity” by Dr. James White. The argument often follows, “but the Holy Spirit is a spirit so he cannot be a person.” This past weekend, I had someone write me this: “Jonathan Burris you need to read . The holy Ghost is not a person it’s on a person. The father is a spirit which was clothed in flesh. we call him Jesus. the only Person who died for our sins.” I wish to respond to this objection and others as I defend the personhood of the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is not a thing nor an it. He is a person. I will not give a full defense of the Trinity in this video. I want to address the specific accusation that the Holy Spirit is not a person as this is individual stated in a Facebook comment to me and then in a series of private messages.
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