In my message on the Carmen Christi, Philippians 2:6-11, I made the statement that Christ is found in every book of the Bible. This list is based on my own studies and summary. Others may find a different theme. Nevertheless, some asked that I share this. I am happy to do so.

  • Genesis – Creator
  • Exodus – the Passover Lamb
  • Leviticus – High Priest
  • Numbers – The Rock from which we drink
  • Deuteronomy – He becomes the curse for us
  • Joshua – Captain
  • Judges – Deliverer
  • Ruth – Kinsman-Redeemer
  • Samuel – Prophet/Priest/King
  • Kings – a Ruler greater than Solomon
  • Chronicles – the King who reigns eternally
  • Ezra – Priest
  • Nehemiah – Rebuilds broken walls
  • Esther – The Unseen Hand
  • Job – Mediator
  • Psalms – Song
  • Proverbs/Ecclesiastes – Wisdom
  • Song of Solomon – Faithful Lover
  • Isaiah – Prince of Peace
  • Jeremiah – the Weeping Messiah
  • Lamentations – He assumes God’s wrath for us
  • Ezekiel – Son of Man
  • Daniel – Ancient of days and the 4th Man in the Fire
  • Hosea – faithful husband
  • Joel – Sender of His Spirit
  • Amos – delivers Justice
  • Obadiah – Judge
  • Jonah – Missionary
  • Micah – Messenger
  • Nahum – Avenger
  • Habakkuk – Patient Judge
  • Zephaniah – Restorer
  • Haggai – Cleansing Fountain
  • Zechariah – Merciful Father
  • Malachi – Son of Righteousness
  • Matthew – King
  • Mark – Servant
  • Luke – Son of Man
  • John – God in the flesh
  • Acts – The Ascended Lord
  • Romans – Justification
  • Corinthians – The Source of our Spiritual Gifts
  • Galatians – Life
  • Ephesians – Riches
  • Philippians – Peace
  • Colossians – Fullness of the Divine Nature
  • Thessalonians – Coming King
  • Timothy – Savior
  • Titus – Truth
  • Philemon – Friend that Sticks Closer Than a Brother
  • Hebrews – The Better Sacrifice
  • James – The Great Physician
  • Peter – The Chief Shepherd
  • 1,2,3 John – Everlasting Love
  • Jude – The Coming Lord
  • Revelation – The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End


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