Last week, I interrupted my series on Horrible Hermeneutics, opting instead on releasing a video dealing with some horrible Christology regarding Christ’s blood. The response to that video was shocking. While many, if not most, commenters were supportive of my teaching on the subject last week, there was a very vocal minority that came to the defense of the Baptist pastor I addressed. In doing so, one thing became very obvious. There is a dearth of sound theology being preached in some Baptist churches. Notice I didn’t say all. Speaking in absolutes and exaggeration are pet peeves of mine. Intellectual honesty is important to me. As an apologist, it is important that I represent my opponents fairly. In this video, I want to teach all who are willing to listen why this issue is so important and why we need pastor theologians to guard the gate and defend the flock. A young man I love who is still cutting his teeth in the ministry told his audience, “We don’t need all this theology. We need to learn the Bible.”



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