This video is going to anger many of you, but for the wrong reasons. I want to talk about the ways people are misusing and abusing scripture in their support of President Trump. I don’t care what your politics are… well, actually I do. But I want you to understand that this video is not about President Trump or his campaign. Why would I do this video knowing that it may upset lots of people, including some good friends and at least one of my former students who asked me about one of these? Because there is something way more important than politics or Trump, or America for that matter. No, I did not just commit blasphemy. My first and highest allegiance as a Christian is to Christ and his word. It should be yours as well. We salute the flag, but we kneel at the cross. We respect the office of President of the United States, but we worship the person of Jesus the Christ, God the Son, as YHWH. Never get those priorities backwards. Too often, Christians will get more excited over patriotism than our propitiation, Christ himself. In this video, I want to address three particular instances, but just know that there are many more. These three flow out of the recent horrific attempt on Trump’s life and cover three areas of abuse of the scripture that needs to stop. We are going to look at the use of Ephesians 6:11, the blood on his right ear, and the supposed prophecy by Brandon Biggs. Make sure you stick around for all three of these. This video will not be very long, and I will do my best to not get bogged down on any one issue because at the end, I will take all three of these instances and bring them together around one common theme that summarizes these horrible hermeneutics.



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