In this fourth part of my “What is Calvinism” series, I want to address the doctrine of Limited Atonement or Particular Redemption. Some of you have asked why I didn’t begin with Total Depravity and then work my way through the TULIP acrostic. The short answer is, because I wanted to. I’m on only kidding. There is a method to my madness. Limited Atonement is the Calvinist doctrine that most people gasp at and have the strongest opinions over. I wanted to start with that one and then I will come back and deal with Unconditional Election, Total Depravity, Irresistible Grace, and finally Perseverance of the Saints. As you have noticed, I am taking my time. I spent the two previous videos I took my time to carefully draw us towards the doctrine of Limited Atonement by understanding various atonement theories and then providing a defense of Penal Substitutionary Atonement — which is fundamental to understanding the doctrine of Limited Atonement. I have said, one that rejects PSA will obviously and necessarily reject Limited Atonement. The feedback from those two videos demonstrate that to be true. But now that we have taken the time to understand atonement theories and PSA specifically, let’s dig into Limited Atonement and see if we can bring some sanity to the otherwise common insanity that surrounds the discussion of this subject. 05:20 The Old Testament sacrifices were limited in their intent. 10:19 The Old Testament priests were limited in the intention of their intercession. 13:08 Christ is the perfect and better fulfillment of those Old Testament sacrifices and priesthood. 18:16 Christ’s atonement and intercession was limited in intent to the Elect. 27:48 Negative arguments for Limited Atonement 31:23 Objections to Limited Atonement
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